It is crazy to think by the end of next week our district
10B will be the oldest district in our Zone. Not only is our district super
close but our Zone is too. We have a little devotional together every night to
end and the Elders all want to wear pink on Wednesday. Pretty funny! Hermana
Vawdrey and I became Sister Leaders a few weeks ago. And we have lost 10 Sister
missionaries. Not lost in a bad way, they just left the CCM to go to their
missions in Kentucky and California. So we were so excited to get 4 new ones
this past week!
Update on Elder Montoya:
The guy has teeth! The process is a lot shorter than they
estimated and he will be able to return to the CCM in 2 months. He still gets
to serve in Chile Concepcion and is doing great missionary work at his home in
Utah with the missionaries there. Here are the pictures he drew of every one in our class with their personalities. I'm suppose to have the "Mom Look".
Spanish Words:
I had a rough mix up with a lot of words this week. We were
playing Pictionary with 3 teams and had to guess the sentence with the correct
grammar in Spanish. And since I tend to get overly excited for little things
like this that do not really matter, in my rush of trying to get my sentence
out I started saying Jesu Smith. Not Jesucristo (Jesus Christ) or Jose Smith
(Joseph Smith) but Jesu Smith. I went right on with my sentence so excited and
proud to get a point for our team. My sweet district´s laughter helped my
realized my mistakes though.
And mula.....mula does not mean money in Spanish. I am sure
most of you knew that but I somehow did not. I had to play the role of an
investigator during class while others practiced teaching Tithing to me. I said
mula a few times before my comp stopped me to say "really". She did
not think I was serious but I never fail to give the district a good laugh. is dinero.
Solo Espanol:
Our district also has a goal of memorizing DyC (Doctrine and Covenants) 4 in English
and Spanish. The Elders tease me for leading the class in helping them
memorize. It is my own fault though. I can not help using my primary voice when
I teach. That thanks goes to my mom :) We memorized 1 through 3 yesterday. Just
4 to 7 ta go!
Hermana Lance
You have the very best Mom ever!! Your constantly positive attitude will bring success to all your endeavors, language, proselyting, etc. enjoy these last two weeks because in September you will be moving a very long distance away.